Apple Needs to “Think Different”

According to recent news, Apple has decided to pull their Genius Bar Campaign commercials due to the enormous amounts of backlash the commercials have taken during the Olympics. An interesting move on their part. What will their next move be? Start from scratch? This appears to be the only next step they can take. Looks…

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6 Major Facebook Marketing Mistakes

Not only should you learn social media marketing tips, but you should also learn social media marketing mistakes! A major marketing mistake that you could make with any social media profile is to not have any content on your page! It serves no purpose and also creates a bad reputation for your company. You may…

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9 Major Lessons for Social Media

Social Media is always moving fast, so staying on top of trends and tips is vital! Below is an intriguing article I read about Howard Sewell’s trip to the Marketo Social Marketing Roadshow. He lists out some important lessons that he learned during his visit. The one tip I find most interesting is how society…

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London’s Twitter Lessons

This years Olympics has truly been remarkable, not only in the athlete’s performance on the Olympics stage but also spy apps that you only need their phone number to track them free in the world of Twitter! Social Media has brought a unique experience to this year’s games. The communication between fans has added an…

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3 Social Media Tips for Success!

My best advice I could always give anyone about their business payday 2 and social media is to keep it simple. If you make social media too complicated, then it is most likely that your target audience is not going to get the message. Social media is meant to be navigated and found through ease…

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The Evolution of Facebook

Happy Friday! In light of the weekend close to beginning, I have decided to post a fun and interesting article about the evolution of Facebook! Over the years we have seen Facebook profiles change numerous times and the countless statuses complaining. Despite the online complaining, the evolution of Facebook since 2005 has been astonishing! Facebook…

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