How to Increase Engagement on Social Media

The worst social media nightmare is to have a profile and none of your followers or target audience is involved with it. Your statuses have no comments, no likes, and no retweets. Increasing engagement can become a tricky task. But don’t be scared! All it takes is a little extra time, attention, and research to…

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How to Become a Blogging Superstar for your Business!

A blog is a great way to generate leads and business success. It demonstrates your knowledge and insight into your industry’s field and profession, which shows your target audience your professionalism and expertise. Many consumers like to research before they make a purchasing decision. Therefore, you would like to have your blog be easily accessed…

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The 3 Most Important Social Media Tips!

If you would like to know the three most important tips in social media, then I would highly suggest reading the following article by Brad Smith from Social Media Today. The overall message from each tip is to STAND OUT! It is always important in any type of marketing campaign to set yourself apart from…

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The Difficulties of PR, Social Media, and Sports

The inventions of social media sites has made PR specialists professions more difficult, especially in the sports industry. Every now and then you will see a slip of the tweet from a professional athletes and the tabloids are all over it. For these types of circumstances, the NCAA has begun to crack down on college…

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Utilizing Facebook as a Small Business

In my opinion, small businesses really have the opportunity to take off on Facebook. It appears that more and more people are beginning to “like” their favorite local restaurant or hang out spot to receive updates on events and coupons. However, most small businesses believe they don’t have the right content or tools to generate…

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Introducing New “Sponsored Results” Ads on Facebook

You’ve seen it on Twitter. The sponsored tweets on the sidebar and throughout your news feed. Well now you are going to see similar advertising content on Facebook. Don’t worry, ads and promotions won’t over flow your news feed and take over content from your friends. These ads will be sneakily placed within the ‘Search’…

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