TomKat: Heading for a PR disaster?

A lot of the celeb buzz going on now is centered around the recent divorce annoucing between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes (who would have thought after his couch jumping routine on Oprah?) However, was their first PR mistake annoucing the divorce on a Friday instead of on a Tuesday or Wednesday? In Hollywood, some…

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Freedom of Speech through Tweets

America is given the great opportunity to tweet whatever we may wish. Unfortunately, this is not always the case for other countries. Please read the following article about how an activist in Bahrain was arrested and placed in prison for voicing his opinion through Twitter. Never take advantage of your FREEDOM TO TWEET! Please feel…

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Finding news through Social Media

Social media is changing not only the way people connect and form relationships, but also the way society shares news. Many people now are finding breaking news stories and other interesting articles from their Facebook friends and following accounts on Twitter. I even found out the breaking news about Kim Jong-il’s death on Facebook before…

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Social Media 101: How to stay on top!

Social media can either make or break you. If you don’t know what you are doing then you are going to fall behind the herd and quite possibly damage the reputation of your business. Luckily, there are many simple tools out there to help you stay social media savvy and up to date on the…

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Social Media Day 2012!

Last week on June 30th was Social Media Day! People all over the world tweeted under the hashtag #smday, posted on Facebook, and pinned on Pintrest in honor of Social Media! It is hard for me to imagine what the world would have been like without websites like Facebook and Twitter. What would college have…

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Utilizing Social Media as a Customer Service tool

The amazing feature that Twitter offers consumers is that they are able to instantly and directly communicate with their favorite, or even least favorite, companies. This becomes a tricky task for companies, where they need to monitor all incoming tweets. The good and the bad. Replying to consumers tweets exemplifies great customer service because it…

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Stay Tuned!

Hello World! Welcome to my blog and first blog post! The Social “Clique’s” mission is to provide an area for unique and interesting topics pertaining to the Communication industry (so you don’t have to spend hours searching all over the Internet!) Of course, it wouldn’t be a true blog without throwing in my personal insight on…

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