How to Give Your Brand a Social Media Boost Over the Holidays

‘Tis the season for social media campaigns! Or what we like to call at 10Xa social booster! You may be wondering: “Why booster?” Great question.

We’ve noticed over the years that a social media campaign/giveaway is a great way for brands and clients to get a quick and effective “boost” for their business. Whether it’s a boost in fans, engagements, user generated content, etc. A creative concept along with an incentive and additional media spend all work together to help your brand achieve those extra valuable metrics in a short period of time.

That’s why the holiday season is a great time of the year for a social booster and now’s the time to start planning. Did you know: 49% of marketers will create and launch a holiday campaign before Halloween. Take a look at some other impressive stats:

  • 45% of consumers say that they plan to shop online during the holiday season.
  • 74% of shoppers say they will be influenced by online promotions and coupons during the holiday season.
  • 30% of Twitter users tweet about holiday shopping before October.
  • 64.8% of consumers will turn to social media site to find the perfect holiday gift.
  • 67% of consumers say they would likely share a digital coupon on their Facebook profiles this holiday season.

(source: HubSpot)

Most importantly, the opportunity space is there. With daily active users skyrocketing into the hundreds of millions across the major social platforms (and growing each day), more and more consumers are spending their free time on social media. Also, let’s not forget the new social e-commerce options. Social platforms like Facebook and Twitter have recently introduced features such as shopping sections and more e-commerce focused call to actions for advertising.

So how can businesses effectively give their brand a boost on social and take advantage of the opportunity space? Before you dive right in, you first need to think: What’s your end goal? What are you trying to achieve by implementing a boost/campaign on your social profile?

Below are four social boost ideas for four major social platforms. Each based off of different goals:

Twitter: Retweet to Win

  • Primary Goals: Followers & Engagement
  • Overview: Encourage potential customers to follow your brand’s Twitter profile along with retweeting a booster specfic tweet. The tweet can feature a link to your website or Facebook app to help increase traffic and potentially sales.


Facebook: Email Acquisition App

  • Primary Goals: Email Acquisition & Brand Awareness
  • Overview: Incentivize potential customers to submit their email address within a Facebook app/tab. Creative tactics and strategy can be implemented such as a personality quiz, instant win, etc. to help increase overall time spent engaging with your brand.


Instagram: User Generated Content Hashtag

  • Primary Goals: Collecting User Generated Content & Brand Awareness
  • Overview: Encourage and incentivize potential customers to submit a photo with a branded booster specific hashtag. Potential customers can also be required to like your brand’s Instagram profile as part of their entry.


Pinterest: Repin to Win

  • Primary Goals: Followers & Engagement
  • Overview: Encourage and incentivize potential customers to follow and repin a booster specific pin. The pin and booster board can either feature particular products or something more creative such as inspirational quotes. Another added value: Each pin can link out to your brand’s website to help increase traffic.

While each social booster has different primary goals, in the long run they can help your business achieve overall brand awareness and customer acquisition during the busy and important holiday season.